New Book 2023: With Petra Meier and Birgit Sauer (eds.) Party Politics and the Implementation of Gender Quotas: Resisting Institutions. Palgrave.

New book 2023: With Petra Ahrens and Phil Ayoub (eds.) Leading From Behind. Gender Equality inn Germany During the Merkel Era. Routledge.


Gender Equality in Politics (with Petra Ahrens, Katja Schmilewski, and Birgit Sauer) 2020.

Gender Equality in Politics:                                                                        Implementing Party Quotas in Germany and Austria

Springer 2020

Gendered Mobilizations and Intersectional Challenges | ECPR Press / Rowman & Littlefield International 2019

“Drawing on a wide range of European and North American cases, this urgently needed volume asks: what does social movement intersectionality look like, when is it employed, how, and to what end? The book tackles some of the biggest challenges facing social movements today, which find themselves under pressure from the economy, a perceived immigration crisis, and political forces that are tearing communities apart. This important book allows for new ways of thinking about how to build alliances across social identities in trying times.” — Aili Mari Tripp, Wangari Maathai Professor of Political Science & Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Gendered Mobilizations and Intersectional Challenges is essential reading, from the comprehensive theoretical overview in the introduction, to the diverse and insightful case studies presented. Making intersectionality much more than a fashionable word, this collection examines the processes and practices that spur or block collaborative social movement strategies across many differences of status, political power and identity in the US and Europe. This book is perfectly timed to enhance activists’ and scholars’ appreciation of why doing intersectional movement work is essential to support these democracies in the face of growing attacks on inclusion and equality.” — Myra Marx Ferree, Alice H. Cook Professor of Sociology (emerita), University of Wisconsin-Madison
“The top-notch contributors represent a range of countries, disciplines, and generations, joining to produce a must-read volume for those interested in how contemporary social movements succeed at intersectional praxis. The authors demonstrate how social movements respond to intragroup inequalities, give voice to those marginalized within their ranks, and form alliances with other movements – increasing their ability to achieve social justice.” — Louise K. Davidson-Schmich, Professor of Political Science, University of Miami
“This important volume—the first of its kind—brings into focus the challenges and opportunities of intersectional practices within gendered movements, and in a broad range of contemporary social movements, from Occupy, to Solidarity with refugees and BlackLivesMatter. Gendered Mobilizations and Intersectional Challenges is a crucial contribution for our understanding of intersectionality, that will help both scholars and activists identify and understand a plurality of intersectional voices.”    — Eléonore Lépinard, Associate Professor, Centre for Gender Studies, University of Lausanne
“This book importantly enhances existing scholarship on gendered movements. It does so by jointly studying feminist and women’s movements with mobilizations that are gendered but have another dominant focus (on race or sexuality), or that act at the intersections. It also presents a much needed theoretical and methodological framework for applying intersectionality theory to the study of social movements.” — Karen Celis, Research Professor, Department of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

NGOs, Civil Society, and the Public Sphere | Cambridge University Press 2013

“Sabine Lang has done a fantastic service to both researchers and policy advocates concerned with civil society and civic participation.” – Myra Marx Ferree, Alice H. Cook Professor of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison and author of Varieties of Feminism: German Gender Politics in Global Perspective
“A tour de force. What is impressive is Lang’s ability to navigate at so many levels – theory, research, and practice; the local to the transnational; past and present; description and critique – all while weaving a consistent and compelling argument supported by both aggregate and field-based research.” – Michael X. Delli Carpini, Dean of Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
“Sabine Lang’s research has long provided clarity to the relation between NGOs, social movements, and the state. An insightful, smart, and valuable contribution to a political theory for our times.” – Inderpal Grewal, Yale University
“A masterful and original piece of scholarship by a critical thinker who spans the worlds of academia and policy in ways that, one hopes, can make a difference.” – Joan W. Scott, Harold F. Linder Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study


Lang, Sabine (with Petra Ahrens, Katja Schmilewski, Birgit Sauer) Gender Equality in Politics: Implementing Party Quotas in Germany and Austria.  Springer 2020.

Lang, Sabine, NGOs, Civil Society, and the Public Sphere. New York: Cambridge University Press 2013.

Lang, Sabine, Politische Öffentlichkeit im modernen Staat (The Political Public in the Modern State), Baden-Baden: Nomos Publ. 2001.

Edited Volumes

Lang, Sabine / Meier, Petra / Sauer, Birgit (eds.) Party Politics and the Implementation of Gender Quotas: Resisting Institutions. New York: Routledge 2023.

Ahrens, Petra / Ayoub, Phillip / Lang, Sabine (eds.) Leading from Behind. Gender Equality in Germany During the Merkel Era. London: Palgrave/Taylor & Francis 2023.

Irvine, Jill / Lang, Sabine / Montoya, Celeste (eds.) Gendered Mobilizations. Intersectional Challenges in North American and European Social Movements. London: ECPR Press/Rowman & Littlefield 2019.

Kreisky, Eva / Lang, Sabine / Sauer, Birgit (eds.), EU.Geschlecht.Staat (EU.State.Gender), Wien: WUV Publ. 2001.

Lang, Sabine / Mayer, Margit / Scherrer Christoph (eds.), Jobwunder USA – Modell für Deutschland? (Employment Miracle US – A Model for Germany?) Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot 1999.

Lang, Sabine / Sauer, Birgit (eds.), Wissenschaft als Arbeit – Arbeit als Wissenschaftlerin (Science as a Profession – Professional Women Scientists), Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Publ. 1996.

Peer Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters

“Angela Merkel and the CDU Quota Curse” (with Petra Ahrens). German Politics 31(1) 2022, 40-58.

“Leading from Behind? Gender Equality in Germany During the Merkel Era” (with Petra Ahrens and Phil Ayoub). German Politics 31(1) 2022, 1-19.

“Confronting Complex Accountability in Conservation with Communities” (with Kate Crosman and Gerald Singh). Frontiers in Marine Science 8(2021) online, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.709423.

Gender Equality in Post-Unification Germany: Domestic Diffusion and EU-Level Pressures,German Politics No. 4, 2017, 556-573.

“German Unification as a Catalyst for Change: Linking Political Transformation at the Domestic and International Level,” (with Joyce Mushaben and Frank Wendler) German Politics No. 4, 2017, 443-456. 

Welche Themen hat die Femina bislang vernachlaessigt – eine kritische Einschätzung” in Femina Politica, 20/2,  2017.

Between Whisper and Voice: NGOized Women’s Movement Outreach in the UK and Germany” (with Henrike Knappe) in European Journal of Women’s Studies. Vol. 21 No. 4, 2014, 361-381.

“Does Federalism Impact Gender Architectures? The Case of Women’s Policy Agencies in Germany and Austria“ in Publius – The Journal of Federalism. (with Birgit Sauer) Vol. 43, No. 1, 2013, pp. 68-89. Download as PDF

“Gendering Federalism – Federalizing Gender: Women’s Agencies and Policies in German Multilevel Governance” in: German Studies Review, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2010, pp. 517-530.

“Contested Institutionalization. Women’s Policies and Challenges to Gender Equality in Germany” in: German Politics, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2009, pp. 55-70. Download as PDF

“Assessing Advocacy: Transnational Women’s Networks and Gender Mainstreaming in the European Union” in: Social Politics, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2009, pp. 327-357. Download as PDF

“Doris ihr’n Mann seine Partei”. Die Reduktion von Frauen- auf Familienpolitik im bundesdeutschen Wahlkampf 2002″ (“Doris’ husband’s party”. The Reduction of Women’s Policy to Family Policy in the German Federal Elections of 2002″), with Birgit Sauer, in: Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Politikwissenschaft (Austrian Journal of Political Science), No. 4, 2003, pp. 429-442.

“NGOs, Local Governance and Political Communication Processes in Germany” in: Political Communication, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2000, pp. 383-388.

“Mediale politische Kommunikation und Demokratie. Überlegungen zu Selektivität und Maskulinität der elektronischen Mediendemokratie” (Communication, Media, and Democracy. Selectivity and Masculinity in the Electronic Media Democracy), in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift (Official Journal of the German Political Science Association); Sonderband 28/1997, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 98-119.

Book chapters

NGOIzation of Civil Society in: Gisela Goncalves/Evandro Oliveira (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Non-Profit Communication, London: Routledge, forthcoming 2022.

The Reluctant Modernizer: Gender Equality in Unified Germany in: Michael Oswald/John Robertson (eds.) Germany’s Liberal Democracy Since Unification – A Changing Society, London, Palgrave/Macmillan,  2022, pp. 249-266.

Civil Society as a Public Sphere in John Steven Ott/Lisa A. Dicke (eds.) The Nature of the Nonprofit Sector 4th edition, Westview Press2021, pp.  323-336.

Paritätsgesetz oder Wahlrechtsreform? Warum Deutschland beide braucht (with Petra Ahrens)  in: Sabine Berghahn (ed.) Rechtshandbuch für Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Hamburg: Dashoefer Publ. 2021, ch. 2.2.3, pp. 1-24. 

Civil Society in: Gabriele Abels et al. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Gender and EU Politics, London: Routledge 2021, pp. 222-234.

Consulting Publics in European Union Gender Policies: Organizing Echo Chambers or Facilitating Critical Norm Engagement? in: Lars Engberg-Pedersen. Adam Moe Fejerskpv and Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde (eds.) Rethinking Gender Equality in Global Governance: The Delusion of Norm Diffusion, London: Palgrave Macmillan 2019, pp. 213-236.

NGOisierung revisited: Versachlichte Männlichkeit im zivilgesellschaftlichen Sektor in: Brigitte Bargetz/ Eva Kreisky/Gundula Ludwig (eds.) Dauerkämpfe. Feministische Zeitdiagnosen und Strategien. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus 2017, pp. 135-144.

Gender Quotas in Germany: Diffusion, Derailment, and the Quest for Parity Democracy in: Eléonore Lépinard/Ruth Maria Rubio (eds.) Transforming gender citizenship: The irresistible rise of gender quotas in Europe, Cambridge University Press 2018, pp. 279-307.

European Integration and the Politics of Scale: A Gender Perspective in: Gabriele Abels/Heather McRae (eds.) Gendering European Integration Theory, Opladen/Berlin/Toronto: Budrich Publ. 2016, pp. 217-236 (with Birgit Sauer).

Geschlechterperspektiven in der Föderalismusforschung (Gender Perspectives in Federalism Research”, (with Birgit Sauer) in: European Center for Federalism Research (ed.), Yearbook Federalism 2016. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 123-136.

Nongovernmental Organizations in Gianpetro Mazzoleni/Hartmut Wessler/International Communication Association (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Political Communication, Wiley Blackwell 2016, pp. 877-882.

Civil Society as a Public Sphere, in John Steven Ott/Lisa A. Dicke (eds.) The Nature of the Nonprofit Sector, Westview Press 2016, pp. 247-260.

Hat die europäische Krise ein Geschlecht? Feministische und staatstheoretische Überlegungen”(Is the European Crisis Gendered?) (with Birgit Sauer) in: Hans-Jürgen Bieling und Martin Große Hüttmann (Eds.) Europäische Staatlichkeit: Zwischen Krise und Integration (European Statehood between Crisis and Integration), Springer Publ. 2016, pp. 241-258.

European Issue Publics Online: The Cases of Climate Change and Fair Trade, in: Risse, Thomas (ed.) European Public Spheres: Politics is Back. Cambridge University Press 2015. (with Lance Bennett and Alexandra Segerberg), pp. 108-140.

Voice in the Velvet Triangle: The European Union and Women’s NGOs in: Inderpal Grewal/Victoria Bernal (eds.) Theorizing NGOs. States, Feminisms, and Neoliberalism, Duke University Press 2014. Pp. 266-284.

Ortlose Begegnungen in Zeiten der ‚Nichtübereinstimmung mit der Welt. Gedanken zu Christa Wolfmin Carsten Gansel (ed.) Christa Wolf – Im Strom der Erinnerung. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Press 2014, pp. 327-329.

Mediales Indexieren. (Media Indexing) Die Reduktion von Frauen- auf Familienpolitik im bundesdeutschen Wahlkampf 2002, in: Dorer, Johanna/Geiger, Brigitte/Köpl, Regina (Hg.): Medien – Politik – Geschlecht, Wien 2009 (with Birgit Sauer), pp. 190-204.

Der Strukturwandel transnationaler Frauenbewegungen: Mobilisierung im Kontext internationalisierter Staatlichkeit (“The Structural Transformation of Transnational Women’s Movements: Mobilization in the Context of Changing Governance” in: Gundula Ludwig/Birgit Sauer/Stephanie Woehl (eds.) (2009), Staat und Geschlecht (State and Gender. Concepts and Challenges of Feminist State Theory), Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 151-165.

Gendering European Publics? Transnational Women’s Advocacy Networks in the European Union. In: Inaki Blanco/Sovie van Bauwel/Bart Cammaerts (eds.) Media Agoras: Democracy, Diversity and Communication, London: Routledge 2009, pp. 198-219.

Gender Governance in Post-Unification Germany: Between Institutionalization, Deregulation, and Privatisation, in: Johanna Kantola/Joyce Outshoorn (eds.), Changing State Feminism, Palgrave Macmillan 2007, pp. 171-198.

Der Kaiserin neue Kleider? Gendermainstreaming im Kontext lokaler Geschlechterpolitik (The Empress’ New Clothes? Gendermainstreaming in the Context of Local Gender Politics), in: Sieglinde Rosenberger/Birgit Sauer (eds.), Was bewirkt Gender Mainstreaming? Evaluierung durch Policy-Analysen, Frankfurt/New York: Campus Publ. 2005, pp. 189-202.

The State of Local Publics – Media and Political Communication in the Age of Globalization, in: Wolfram Esser / Barbara Pfetsch (eds.), Comparing Political Communication. Theories, Cases, and Challenges, New York: Cambridge University Press 2004, pp. 151-183.

Politik – Oeffentlichkeit – Privatheit (“Politics – The Public – The Private“) in: Sieglinde Rosenberger/Birgit Sauer (eds.), Politikwissenschaftliche Geschlechterforschung. Zentrale Konzepte, UTB/WUV 2004, pp. 65-81.

Local Political Communication and Citizen Participation, in: Philippe Maarek/Gadi Wolfsfeld (eds.), Political Communication in a New Era – A Cross-National Perspective , London/New York: Routledge 2003, pp. 171-192.

Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit neu bedacht. Grenzziehungen im Neoliberalismus und die Konsequenzen für Geschlechterpolitik”(The Public and the Private Revisited –  Neoliberal Bounderies and Their Consequences for Gender Politics) in: Komitee fuer Grundrechte und Demokratie (ed.), Jahrbuch 2002/2003, pp. 215-226.

Der geschlechterdemokratische Strukturwandel der Oeffentlichkeit. Juergen Habermas in der feministischen Debatte” (“The gendered structural transformation of the public sphere“) in: Lennart Labrenz (ed.), Schoene neue Oeffentlichkeit. Beitraege zu Juergen Habermas’ Strukturwandel der Oeffentlichkeit, Hamburg: VSA Verlag 2003, pp. 89-104.

Lokale politische Kommunikation: Öffentlichkeit im Spannungsfeld nationaler und globaler Entwicklungen (Local political communication: The political public under national and global pressure), in: Wolfram Esser/Barbara Pfetsch (eds.), Politische Kommunikation im internationalen Vergleich. Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Perspektiven, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 2003, pp. 179-207.

Frauenerwerbstaetigkeit in den USA im Zeichen neoliberaler Politik (Women’s Employment and Neoliberal Politics in the United States), in: Winfried Fluck/Welf Werner (eds.), Wie viel Ungleichheit vertraegt die Demokratie? Armut und Reichtum in den USA, Frankfurt: Campus Publ. 2003, pp. 187-204.

Globale Öffentlichkeit, das Internet und Netzwerkbildung (The Global Public Sphere, the Internet and Network Formation), in: Albert Scharenberg/Oliver Schmidtke (eds.), Das Ende der Politik? Globalisierung und der Strukturwandel des Politischen, Muenster: Westfaelisches Dampfboot 2003, pp. 302-315.

Unifying a Gendered State: Women in Post 1989 Germany, in: Stuart Taberner/ Frank Finlay (eds.), Recasting German Identity. Culture, Politics, and Literature in the Berlin Republic, London: Camden House 2002, pp. 157-172.

Reprivatisierungen im neoliberalen Geschlechterregime (Reprivatization in Neoliberal Gender Regimes), in: femina politica, No. 2, 2001, pp. 91-104.

The NGOization of feminism: institutionalization and institution building within the German women’s movements, in: Bonnie G. Smith (ed.), Global Feminisms since 1945, New York/London: Routledge 2000, pp. 290-304.

Affirmative Action contra Glass Ceilings – Frauenerwerbstätigkeit in den USA, in: femina politica, Nr. 2, 2000, pp. 71-81.

La communication publique pendant la période précédant les élections. Lois, règlements et pratiques en Allemagne, in: Philippe Maarek (ed.), La Communication Publique face aux Législations Èlectorales, Paris 1999, pp. 84-93.

Affirmative Action Maßnahmen für Frauen auf dem us-amerikanischen Arbeitsmarkt (Affirmative Action for Women on the US Labor Market), in: Sabine Lang/ Margit Mayer/ Christoph Scherrer (eds.), Jobwunder USA – Modell für Deutschland? Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot 1999, pp. 127-148.

Postmoderner Feminismus und politische Praxis (Postmodern Feminism and Political Activism, with Birgit Sauer), in: Antje Hornscheidt / Gabriele Jähnert / Annette Schlichter (eds.), Kritische Differenzen – geteilte Perspektiven. Zum Verhältnis von Feminismus und Postmoderne, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1998, pp. 74-92.

Zwischen Erwerbsarbeit und Eigenarbeit – Optionen für die Gestaltung der Arbeitsgesellschaft (Between Labor Market and Voluntary Work – Prospects for Social Change), in: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (ed.), Frauen und Arbeit im Kontext nachhaltiger Entwicklung, Leipzig 1998, pp. 18-26.

The NGOization of Feminism, in: Joan W. Scott/Cora Kaplan/Deborah Keates (eds.), Transitions, Environments, Translations. Feminisms in International Politics, London: Routledge 1997, pp. 101-120.

Politische Öffentlichkeit und Geschlechterverhältnis (The Political Public and Gender Relations), in: ZIF-Humboldt-Universität (eds.), Politische Kultur – Demokratie – Geschlechterverhältnis, Berlin: trafo 1997, pp. 27-50.

Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit in der neueren politischen Theorie – Eine Kritik an systemtheoretischen und Rational Choice Ansätzen (The Public and the Private in Theoretical Perspective), in: Gabriele Wilde/ Brigitte Kerchner (eds.), Staat und Privatheit. Aktuelle und historische Studien, Opladen: Leske + Budrich 1997, pp. 107-134.

Frauen und Demokratie. Öffentlichkeit und Geschlechterverhältnis (Women, Democracy and the Gendered Public Sphere), in: Rainer Schneider-Wilkes (ed.), Demokratie in Gefahr? Zum Zustand der deutschen Demokratie, Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot 1997, pp. 245-267.

Femminismo postmoderno e azione politica (with Birgit Sauer), in: Donne. Politica.Sull’ orlo del tempo, Vol. 4(36) 1997, pp. 67-86.

Geschlossene Öffentlichkeit. Paradoxien der Politikwissenschaft bei der Konstruktion des öffentlichen Raumes (The Closed Public. Paradoxes in the Construction of the Public Sphere), in: Eva Kreisky/Birgit Sauer (eds.), Das geheime Glossar der Politikwissenschaft, Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Publ. 1996, pp. 46-69.

Geschlechterordnungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Erwerbstätigkeit als Regulierungsform des Geschlechterverhältnisses (The Labor Market as a Regulatory Force of Gender Relations), in: Comparativ. Leipziger Beiträge zur Universalgeschichte und vergleichenden Gesellschaftsforschung No. 4/1996, pp. 73-96.

Wissenschaftlerinnen 2000: Berliner Erklärung zur Förderung von Frauen in der Wissenschaft (Women Scientists 2000: Berlin Declaration for the Advancement of Women in the Sciences, with Birgit Sauer), in: Lang/Sauer (eds.), Wissenschaft als Arbeit – Arbeit als Wissenschaftlerin, Frankfurta.M.: Campus Publ. 1996, pp. 349-379.

Gleichstellungspolitische Wendezeit? (Transformations of Gender Politics? with Birgit Sauer), in: Lang/Sauer (eds.), Wissenschaft als Arbeit – Arbeit als Wissenschaftlerin, Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Publ. 1996, pp. 12-30.

Öffentlichkeit und Geschlechterverhältnis. Überlegungen zu einer Politologie der öffentlichen Sphäre (Gender in the Public Sphere. Towards a Political Science Approach to the Public), in: Eva Kreisky /Birgit Sauer (eds.):, Feministische Standpunkte in der Politikwissenschaft – Eine Einführung, Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Publ. 1995, pp. 83-121.

Politische Öffentlichkeit und Demokratie. Überlegungen zur Verschränkung von Androzentrismus und öffentlicher Teilhabe (The Political Public and Democracy), in: Biester (eds.), Demokratie oder Androkratie? Theorie und Praxis demokratischer Herrschaft in der feministischen Diskussion, Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Publ. 1994, pp. 201 – 226.

Geschlechterforschung, Postmoderne und die Wissenschaft von der Politik (Gender Studies, Postmodernism and Political Science), in: Prokla – Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, Vol 24., No. 4, December 1994, pp. 643-668.

Postmoderne und Politik. Kritische Anmerkungen zum subjektlosen Pluralismus der Gegenwart (Postmodernism and Politics. Reflections on the Loss of Political Subjectivity), in: Frithjof Hager (ed.), Geschichte denken, Leipzig: Reclam Verlag 1992, pp. 163-182.

Ist die Postmoderne tot? (Is Postmodernism Dead?), in: Leviathan, Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, Vol. 19, 1991, No. 1, pp. 55-67.

Berlin, laboratoire d`observation (Berlin as aLaboratory) in: Bourdieu, Pierre (eds.), liber, Journal for European Culture, 1990, No.6.

Government Commissioned Reports:

German Federal Parliament. “Die Foerderung von buergerschaftlichem Engagement in US-amerikanischen Staedten und Kommunen” (Civic Engagement in US-American Cities), Study commissioned by the Enquete-Commission on Civic Engagement of the Federal Parliament. In: Deutscher Bundestag (Hg.), Buergerschaftliches Engagement im internationalen Vergleich, Opladen: Leske + Budrich 2002, pp. 57-90.

Federal Ministry for Women. “Bundestagswahlkampf 2002: Zur Rolle von Frauen- und Gechlechterpolitik in den Wahlkampfstrategien der fuenf grossen Parteien” (Federal Elections 2002: The Role of Women’s and Gender Politics in the Election Campaigns of the Five Large Parties). With Birgit Sauer. Study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Women. Berlin 2002.

 Book Reviews

Review of Myra Marx Ferree “Varieties of Feminism. German Gender Politics in Global Perspective“ for Council of European Studies CritCom’s Inaugural Issue 2012.

Review of Sarah Wiliarty “The CDU and the Politics of Gender in Germany. Bringing Women to the Party”, for Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 10, No.4, 2012, pp 1040 – 1042.

Review of Lee Ann Banaszak „Women’s Movement Inside and Outside the State“, Cambridge UP, in: Femina Politica,No. 2, 2011.

Review of Carrie N. Baker “Women’s Movement Activism in the United States: The Case of Sexual Harassment”, in: Law and Society Review Vol. 43, No. 4, 2009, pp. 945-947.

Review of Sharleen Hertel “Unexpected Power. Conflict and Challenge Among Transnational Activists”, in: Perspectives on Politics Vol. 5, No. 4, 2007, pp. 846-847.

Review of Kathrin Zippel “Sexual Harrassment Policy in Germany, the US, and the European Union”, in: Journal of Politics Vol. 69, No. 2, 2007, pp. 593-594.

“Pierre Bourdieu’s Study of ‚Masculine Dominance” – Review Essay, in: Soziologische Revue, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2006, pp.67-69.